Mastering per song
About 100$ for US customers
1000 NOK
Mastering stems per song
Up to 5 stems
1500 NOK
Mixing per song
Up to 40 tracks
4500 NOK
Mixing per song
Up to 60 tracks
6500 NOK
Mastering Album 10 songs
About 900$ for US customers
9000 NOK
Restoration/Separation per hour
Get any stereo track separated with drums, bass, vocals and instruments delivered on stems.
750 NOK
Beat matching per hour
If the drummer didn't use click and you need your song synced up with a clicktrack for say re-recording or re-mixing, we can beat-match your entire song and match it to a specific and stable beat.
750 NOK
All prices are excluded vat / Alle priser er eks mva